Advisory Services
Business valuation |
Succession plan |
Expansion project
Business valuation
Get an in-depth portrait of your situation
Get a clear idea of the financial health of your business with a valuation. We will evaluate your situation to provide the information you need to make sound business decisions. Reach out to our CPAs to learn about the possible solutions available and actions you can take.
Succession plan
Secure your business’s future
It’s always good to be prepared. Having a succession plan in place is important when you are ready to transfer your business or when one of your top employees retires. We can help you draw up an effective succession plan so your business can handle transitions smoothly. Whether to prepare a plan for recruitment and training costs or prepare to buy or sell the company’s shares, Gravel CPA is here for every part of the planning process.
Expansion project
Get ready for the future
Do you have a project in mind? Sound financial planning will set you up for successfully carrying out your project. Our CPAs provide reliable advice to further your project, whichever it may be: business acquisition, real estate acquisition or expanding your business.
More than just a team
We’re always on the lookout
for new colleagues
for new colleagues